A journey to the heart of Italy’s Valpolicella regionAngeline BaylyIn the heart of Italy's Veneto region, nestled between the historic city of Verona and…
What top sommeliers enjoy drinking at ChristmasSommelier Editorial TeamWith the world of wine under their noses throughout the year what do the best…
Christmas drink recommendations by top sommeliersCharlotte HeyWhat will the best sommeliers in the UK be drinking this Christmas? We asked the…
Top sommelier wine recommendationsAngeline BaylyDavide Santeramo, Assistant Head Sommelier at The Ritz London explains his journey into wine and…
Matteo Furlan on the futureCharlotte HeyMatteo Furlan has worked at some of the best restaurants in London. Experience and expertise…
Gareth Ferreira MS: South Africa’s finestCharlotte HeyGareth Ferreira, South Africa's only MS and Top 100 Sommeliers' top sommelier in 2023 talks…
Why sparkling tea is leading the waySommelier Editorial TeamSparkling tea has created its own niche in hospitality. Understanding where it is from and…
Understanding the 2022 vintage around BordeauxCharlotte Hey2022 has been recognised as having the potential to be a spectacular vintage. Three leading…
Wine, spice and all things niceCharlotte HeyHenny Zinzuwadia from Pahli Hill & Bandra Bai is an expert in matching wine with…
Zebra-striping and book-ending: decoding no/low drinksVictoria MooreThe Sommelier Edit Awards No or Low results are launched as no and low sales…
Top female sommeliers in the UK and SpainCharlotte HeyBeing a sommelier and a woman has its benefits. Sommelier Edit reveals why. Top 100…
Award-winning wines chosen by UK’s top sommeliersSommelier Editorial TeamSommelier Edit Awards, alongside the UK's top sommeliers, tasted a selection of wines that are…