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Custodians of a legacy

Ask a sommelier what their favourite wines are and the chances are that Bordeaux will feature strongly on the list.

The mystique and magic of the wines that are produced in the world’s most famous region that is equidistant between the North Pole and the Equator are globally recognised for their sublime characteristics and ability to age.

Fetching phenomenal prices in the best vintages, the wines of Bordeaux are on many a wine aficionado and professional’s list. You’d think that Bordeaux châteaux owners wouldn’t need to do much more… especially the hallowed Grands Crus. But, you’d be wrong. The organisation called the Union des Grands Crus de Bordeaux, includes the best châteaux among its association, which works to retain and build the reputation of the region internationally.

The Grands Crus

Being a Grand Cru château is as much about producing quality wines as it is about preserving the tradition and history of what being a Grand Cru château means.

Chateau Fourcas Hosten Chartreuse (creditphoto_JulieREY)
Chateau Fourcas Hosten Chartreuse (creditphoto_JulieREY)

The 131 members from across the region’s finest appellations is a veritable ‘Who’s Who’ of the Bordeaux names you could think of – Mouton, Yquem, Figeac and Cheval Blanc, they are all there.

The long history of Bordeaux wine is founded on ancestral know-how – both in the vineyard and in the cellar – of which the Grands Crus are the most revered. It is the slow development of the renowned appellations that has made it possible to achieve consistently high quality wines.

Eglise Saint Emilion
Eglise Saint Emilion

Discover more

The Grands Crus de Bordeaux organise events all over the world and will be in London on 8 November to present the 2021 Vintage. 113 Châteaux will be in attendance for this unique horizontal tasting of Grands Crus Bordeaux.

Further reading

Throughout November we’ll publish a series of articles featuring information about the key appellations that define Bordeaux’s Grands Crus’ status as world leaders.



BordeauxUnion Grands Crus de Bordeaux
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